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3701 Wilshire Blvd, Ste. 870
Los Angeles, CA 90010

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Our attorneys exclusively represent injury victims.
For years we have fought on behalf of clients who were hurt in accidents due to the negligence of another party.

San Bernardino Car Accident Lawyers

San Bernardino County is one of the largest in the United States, and larger even than Switzerland. Aptly located within commuting distance from Los Angeles, the City of San Bernardino is a bustling suburban city full of culture, history, and, unfortunately, a hot spot for dangerous road accidents.

If you or a loved one is injured from a car accident in San Bernardino County and suffering from resulting injuries and damages, you may be able to recover compensation. Serious car accidents can leave a lasting burden on you and your family. At MKP Law Group, LLP our attorneys exclusively represent injury victims and work hard to collect the maximum compensation for our clients.

We know the physical, emotional, and financial hardships that can result from car accidents and work hard to ensure our clients understand their rights as we help them negotiate their settlement. Having an experienced San Bernardino car accident lawyer by your side is important to navigate the legal process and recover damages.

Here at MKP Law Group, LLP we always work on what is known as a contingency fee basis, meaning WE DON’T GET PAID UNLESS WE WIN. There are no upfront, out-of-pocket costs to our clients. Call us today at 310-285-5353 to schedule your 100% free consultation.

Why Hire One of Our San Bernardino Car Accident Attorneys For Your Accident?

Even the best drivers can find themselves caught in dangerous driving situations. Hit and runs, dangerously speeding drivers, and drivers under the influence all can leave injured car accident victims in difficult and tragic situations. In 2018 alone, there were a total of 15,579 victims from car accidents in San Bernardino County who either were injured or died. Of these, 1021 were hit and runs, 3570 were speed-related, and 1782 involved alcohol.

If you or a loved one was seriously injured or died in a car accident in San Bernardino County, you need to understand that to maximize your settlement you must prove negligence by another party.

Often an insurance company will offer a very low settlement to the accident victim, so working with one of our car accident lawyers can help make sure you have the evidence to prove maximize your settlement. Our experienced San Bernardino personal injury attorney team will thoroughly investigate your case, collect evidence, and work to maximize the compensation you receive for your injuries suffered.

We work closely with a team of medical experts throughout San Bernardino County, Los Angeles, and California to ensure that you or your loved one receives top-notch medical care for a speedy and healthy recovery while we deal with the legal process and negotiate with the insurance companies.

At MKP Law Group, LLP, our law firm strives to make the process as easy and quick as possible for you. We work on motor vehicle accident cases throughout San Bernardino County and the State of California. Call us at 310-285-5353 to schedule your free consultation.

All of our cases are on a contingency fee basis, meaning if we don’t win your case, you don’t owe us a dime.

Common Types of Car Crash Accidents in San Bernardino County, California

San Bernardino County is home to several large highways that funnel into Los Angeles. These state highways are hotspots for accidents as they are frequented during rush hour, attract drivers from out of state, and carry large delivery trucks. Driving a vehicle is already a risk, but when you add in distractions and reckless driving behavior the chances of getting into an accident only increase.

The 3 most common causes of car accidents and traffic accidents in San Bernardino include:

  • Hit and Run
  • Drinking and Driving
  • Speeding

Other situations that commonly contribute to roadway accidents include:

  • Unsafe lane changes or behavior
  • Failure to obey road signs or traffic signals
  • Inattentiveness/distracted driving
  • Influence of drugs
  • Texting while driving
  • Reckless driving
  • Driver fatigue
  • Inclement weather
  • Vehicle defects

When combinations of these situations arrive, the likelihood of an accident only increases. Victims of accidents may suffer catastrophic injury and life-long consequences. Subsequent medical bills and job loss often have huge and traumatic impacts on entire families.

If you are a car accident victim suffering from injuries, it is important that you understand your rights. If a negligent driver left you suffering from a severe injury (or multiple), having an expert in personal injury law can help you receive the maximum compensation and ultimately make your life easier.

OTS Car Accident Crash Rankings for San Bernardino (Latest Data: 2021)

The 2021 OTS crash rankings confirm that San Bernardino is problematic for pedestrians, cyclists, and drivers alike. With 1,999,837 daily vehicle miles traveled, the city ranks especially high for alcohol-involved traffic accidents. The same is true for hit-and-run crashes.

Trip, the national transportation research group, has taken a closer look at driving conditions in the areas of Riverside and San Bernardino. The group’s findings are telling.

  • Deteriorated roads. Rough roads cost drivers an estimated $2,675 each year in additional operating expenses. The group asserts that 75% of the major roads in the area are either in poor or mediocre shape.
  • Dangerous bridges. Bridges are also identified as problematic. Of 2,503 bridges, 142 are considered “structurally deficient.”
  • Fatalities. When evaluating fatal auto accidents, the experts note that among contributing factors are roadway features.

The group suggests that roadway improvements could reduce traffic accident crash severity. Examples of such improvements include traffic signal installations, paving shoulders, and restructuring of dangerous intersections.

sunset with traffic lights on highway

Dangerous Highways, Streets, and Intersections in San Bernardino County

While every city, county, or region can pose hazardous situations, specific areas seem to be key trouble spots for drivers in San Bernardino County. Serious car accidents and fatalities commonly occur on these roadways and at these intersections:

  • State Route 138
  • Interstate 40
  • Interstate 15

These areas are heavily trafficked which means there are greater chances of getting into an accident. If you’ve suffered from a car crash while driving on one of these San Bernardino County roads, you may be able to recover damages for your injuries.

What to Do After a Car Accident in San Bernardino

Statistics provided by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) provide an insight into the accidents that drivers are involved in. Some of the deadliest motor vehicle accidents involve cases with a roadway departure. This term refers to an accident where a vehicle crosses the center or edge line. However, single-vehicle crashes are also at a new high.

No matter how dangerous an area is for driving, if you are involved in an accident, it is likely a frightening experience. Moreover, it is frustrating when you realize that the crash occurred because of someone else’s negligence. In the aftermath of an accident, remain at the scene. Even if it seems like the property damage is minor, you should not simply drive off. The other motorist may report you as a hit-and-run driver. Next, contact the authorities. It is essential that you file a police report, which will later become instrumental in documenting fault.

If you are able to do so, or have a passenger who is, take photos of the scene. Include images of the pavement, the weather, the environment, and the bystanders. You may need these photos later to identify witnesses.

When medical professionals arrive on the scene, have them check you out. Even though you might not feel like you are hurt, it is a good idea to head to the hospital and have them check you for fractures and internal injuries. Some conditions, such as whiplash and deep tissue injuries, are more difficult to diagnose and may not become apparent until several days after the actual accident.

You need to report the incident to your insurance company. However, be sure that you do not guess on items you are unsure about. In fact, our San Bernardino car accident attorney might advise that it would be better to set up a consultation with the office first before talking to the insurance company.

Damages You Can Recover in San Bernardino Car Accidents

Dog attacks and dog bites can occur without any provocation.

Seemingly gentle dogs can turn aggressive in an instant. Oftentimes dogs will become violent if they feel cornered, threatened, or see sudden movements. Other times there is no plausible reason for the attack, and the dog has no history of aggression.

Dog bites can occur near your home or in your own backyard. It might be a dog that escaped their yard or that is allowed to roam free or that was unleashed by the pet owner. Other dog bites occur in public spaces like in parks or on sidewalks.

If you or a loved one have been a victim of a dog bite, there are certain things to keep in mind.


Contact a San Bernardino Car Accident Attorney at MKP Law Group, LLP Today

At MKP Law Group, LLP, we have personal injury attorneys that are highly experienced in handling San Bernardino County car accidents. Our team knows how to deal with insurance companies and can help you understand your rights and navigate the complicated legal processes.

We will investigate and negotiate to ensure that you earn the maximum compensation for your injuries. Call us today at 310-285-5353 to schedule your 100% free consultation.

As always, if we don’t win your case you don’t owe us a dime.

Free Consultation

We Make the Process Easy to Get the Results You Deserve


3701 Wilshire Blvd, Ste. 870
Los Angeles, CA 90010

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Meet Attorney Jordan W.Peagler

Jordan W. Peagler is a partner and co-founder of MKP Law Group, LLP who was born and raised in Phoenix, Arizona. Jordan is a trial attorney who handles complex civil litigation matters in personal injury, medical malpractice and insurance bad faith. Jordan has handled all phases of litigation, from pre-litigation through mediation, arbitration, and trial.


Meet Attorney Matt Meyer

Matt Meyer is a founding partner of MKP Law Group, LLP and has worked on both sides of personal injury cases. He began his career defending Fortune 500 and insurance companies in high-stakes litigation. Unfortunately, he discovered that years of representing corporations--instead of people--was not good for the soul.


Meet Attorney Adam Kim

Adam D. Kim is a native of Chicago, Illinois and a co-founding partner of MKP Law Group, LLP. Adam has focused his litigation practice on all types of personal injury matters, including wrongful death, motor vehicle accidents, slip and fall, and dog bites. With the realization that many clients view litigation and legal matters to be an unpleasant and confusing experience.


Free Consultation

We Make the Process Easy to Get the Results You Deserve


3701 Wilshire Blvd, Ste. 870
Los Angeles, CA 90010

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Reviewed by

Jordan W. Peagler, Esq.
Jordan W. Peagler, Esq.
Updated August 15, 2024

Jordan W. Peagler, Esq.
Jordan W. Peagler, Esq.
Updated August 15, 2024