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Sexual abuse is not just troubling, it is a horrifying reality of the world we live in. Survivors of this type of traumatic assault are left with scars that often last a lifetime. If you are a victim of sexual assault or abuse, you need a compassionate, knowledgeable and trustworthy lawyer who will get you on the road to healing and represent you in your personal injury case.
The team at MKP Law Group, LLP is ready to stand by you through this difficult time to offer you safety, security, and protection as you seek justice for your suffering. Call us now to learn more about your rights and the next steps to take. Here at MKP Law Group, LLP there are no upfront, out-of-pocket costs to our clients. Call us today at 310-285-5353 to schedule your 100% free consultation.
Why Hire a Sexual Assault Attorney in Los Angeles?
Survivors of Los Angeles sexual abuse cases have the right to file civil cases in California.
While most people associate sunny Southern California in general, and L.A. in particular, with glitz and glamour, there are many victims of sexual assault who suffer from emotional, physical, and financial hardships every year. Statistics released by the Justice Department even show that sexual assaults increased from an average of 1.4 victimizations for 1,000 people in 2017 to 2.7 in the next year.
If you find yourself a victim of sexual assault, you need a trauma-informed sexual assault lawyer Los Angeles can count on. Our team at MKP Law Group, LLP advocates for each of our clients and have experience in the representation of sexual assault, abuse, and violence survivors. Our team works hard to allow you to heal while keeping you informed about all aspects of the law and your case.
Los Angeles Sexual Assault Laws
There are federal and state laws that govern the prosecution of sex crimes. California recognizes Penal Code Section 243.4. This law considers “assault” the physical act of a sex crime, while “abuse” is an ongoing pattern of assault.
Depending on the facts of your case and the age of the sexual abuse survivor, the offense may be a misdemeanor or a felony. Most importantly, there have been changes to the statute of limitations for filing sexual abuse claims in California. Pursuant to the California Code of Civil Procedure, Section 340.16 , minors, who were under 18 at the time of the sex crime against them, have until their 40th birthday to file a claim. Another provision gives an underage victim five years from the date they connect emotional trauma to childhood sexual abuse.
Victims over the age of 18 have ten years from the event to file a case. Sexual harassment cases have a one-year timeline for filing a claim. It’s important to point out that the sooner you file suit, the easier it will be for your defense team to locate witnesses and find corroborating evidence.
Pursuing justice via a civil claim is your right to receive compensation for damages. You may file the claim even if you have not filed a police report or obtained a criminal conviction of the perpetrator. Moreover, there are times when a sexual assault victim’s family may have the legal right to file a claim.
What Damages Can Be Claimed by Sexual Abuse Survivors?
No two sex crimes are exactly alike, which means that the effects one survivor suffered may be entirely different from those endured by another.
Therefore, the law recognizes several situations that allow for compensation.
- Medical expenses. In the aftermath of an assault, you may have had to undergo medical treatment or see a medical professional for injuries or suffering. Under this umbrella term, the law also recognizes psychological and psychiatric treatments, as well as related forms of counseling.
- Financial damages. Sex crime survivors can have a difficult time returning to their jobs or even professions. This is of particular concern for workplace sexual harassment. Sexual abuse victims have the right to sue for lost wages, missed advancement opportunities, and related unearned income. There may also be damages associated with property loss. In extreme cases, a survivor may relocate because of the trauma, which also falls under financial damages.
- Pain and suffering. This umbrella term refers to the trauma you endured and the current and future psychological difficulties you may experience. Under this heading falls emotional distress, relationship problems, and physical pain that is part of your recovery period.
- Punitive damages. The court will award punitive damages in keeping with the negligence of third parties. For example, if the sexual assault happened at work and there should have been intervention, the court may award punitive damages to send a message that similar behaviors must not repeat in the future at the business where the abuse occurred.
As noted by the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, the estimated lifetime cost of rape per victim is $122,461.
While we know that money cannot undo the damage you suffered, it is important to realize that asking for financial compensation is not letting a predator off the hook. Instead, a civil suit acknowledges that there are financial ramifications that come as a result of sexual abuse, sexual assault, or any type of sex crime.
Plus, a civil suit exposes this criminal conduct and may help protect others from future incidents.
Types of Los Angeles Sexual Abuse, Assault, and Crime
Women, men, and children can all be survivors of sexual crimes. Due to the personal nature of the violation, survivors often have a difficult time coming forward and holding perpetrators responsible. As a result, authorities have a challenging time developing accurate sex crime statistics.
As a general rule, a sexual assault occurs when there is unwelcome behavior or sexual contact without the other party’s consent. Consent cannot be given if the person is a minor, intoxicated, unconscious, or mentally disabled. If sexual contact occurs nevertheless, it falls into one of several categories.
- Groping, touching, hugging, or kissing.
- Any kind of sexual act, including indecent exposure.
- Rape, attempted rape, or statutory rape.
- Sexual abuse, sexual battery, or molestation.
- Sexual harassment at work, church, or elsewhere.
- Exploitation or trafficking.
- Force of any kind. This force is not limited to physically overpowering a person (such as in the case of domestic violence) but also intimidating them, manipulating the person, or taking advantage of a position of trust.
A Word on Institutional Los Angeles Sexual Abuse
Institutional sex crimes occur in situations where there is a power dynamic that leaves the assault survivor at a disadvantage. They are not in a position to recognize or prevent a variety of sex crimes.
For example, the aggressor may be a boss, religious authority, nursing home worker, or older relative. Often these situations include “deal-making” in which the person in the power position offers some reasoning, albeit not sound, that makes it difficult for the victim to report the assault.
Common types of situations involving this power disparity include workplace sexual harassment, child sexual abuse, child molestation, elder abuse, and more. Types of abuse may include a range of severities from assault and rape to forcing someone to watch pornography, but every case is an abuse that must be rectified.
This dynamic also applies in situations where one or more adults groom underage individuals to eventually coerce them into sexual activities. Other situations involve doctors and patients, coaches and athletes, teachers and students, as well as employers and employees. Because of the power disparity, sexual assault victims are believed not to be in a position to give consent or have been manipulated in some way that diminishes their ability to discern the gravity of the situation.
What to Do After a Sexual Assault in Los Angeles?
There is no shame in being a sex crime survivor. The perpetrator may try to intimidate you. They might also lie to you and claim that nobody will believe you. This is not the case.
After a sexual assault, call the police. Next, go to the hospital; when you tell them that you have been sexually abused, the staff will know what to do to gather biological evidence. If you have a trusted friend or family member, call them to have someone there with you. Another option is to reach out to the Free National Sexual Assault Hotline. If the sexual assault happened at a school, workplace, store, or another venue, report it there.
When you are ready, reach out to a trustworthy Los Angeles sexual abuse lawyer to understand your rights as a sexual assault victim. They will help guide you through the legal steps so you stay protected and safe. Then, the District Attorney can file a criminal case on your behalf.
The MKP Law Group, LLP, can assist you with everything else.
2021 Stats on Sexual Abuse Incidents in Los Angeles, CA
The Los Angeles Chief of Police regularly releases violent crime statistics, here are the most recent:
- 1,119 rapes. As of October 2021, there were 1,119 rapes reported in L.A. This number represents a 24.8% reduction when compared to the 2019 year-to-date number of 1,488.
- 231 arrests. In the same time frame, the LAPD arrested 231 suspects, which is a reduction of 24.4% compared to 2019’s 294 arrests.
- 5,031 rapes and attempted rapes. A 2012 report identified a total of 5,031 rapes and attempted rapes in Los Angeles between 2005 and 2009. Of these, 45.7% of cases were cleared, which meant arrests in 12.2% of cases.
Contact the MKP Law Group, LLP Sexual Assault Lawyer Los Angeles Trusts
The team at the MKP Law Group, LLP, is passionate about protecting clients’ rights. Call 310-285-5353 or fill out the contact form below to discuss your case and legal options with our sexual assault lawyer team.
Combining experience with aggressive representation benefits clients who have been victimized by a third party. At the same time, our staff understands that the trauma you suffered is unlike anything else; therefore, they will treat you, your family, and your situation with care and discretion.
We proudly service clients in the city of Los Angeles and other cities in Los Angeles County including Santa Monica, Westwood, West Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, Long Beach, Pasadena, Glendale, and more. We also represent clients in Orange County, Riverside County, and San Bernardino County as well on everything from car and truck accident cases in Imperial County and Riverside to slip and fall injuries in San Bernardino and Orange County or wherever you may be in the LA and surrounding regions.