Orange County Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer

Young male doctor explaining anatomical spine to senior man patient at hospital room.
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The cost of living in Orange County is higher than in other areas of California. Payscale insiders determine that it is 52% higher than the national average. With housing 157% more expensive and groceries costing 13% more, naturally, healthcare will also cost more. In fact, it is 7% higher in Orange County than the national average. So, if you’ve been injured and are suffering from a spinal cord injury caused by another’s negligence, you must keep in mind the extraordinary medical costs you may face.

Expenses can accumulate quickly and pertain to doctors’ visits, prescription drugs, and hospitalizations. Continual, often lifelong, visits to the hospital are something that patients with spinal cord injuries have to deal with more often than many people realize.

paramedics with empty stretcher

Why Hire a Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer?

Working with a team of local legal professionals can ensure you will be defended by a team who will fight to earn you compensation for any initial medical bills and any potential ongoing costs related to your injury.

An Orange County spinal cord injury lawyer not only understands the increased cost of living in the area but knows how to navigate the process and defend your case.

Our skilled team of personal injury attorneys represents spinal cord and spinal back injury victims throughout the State of California. MKP Law Group, LLP’s team strives to make the process as easy and quick as possible for our clients. The experienced team at MKP Law Group, LLP is attentive, dependable, and tenacious so call us today at 323-991-9022 to schedule your 100% free case evaluation.

Medical Expenses to Consider before Settling Your Case


Young male doctor explaining anatomical spine to senior man patient at hospital room.

The National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center (NSCISC) found that about 30% of individuals dealing with spinal cord injuries are re-hospitalized several times in any year after the injury.

However, these hospitalizations may not result in treatments for the spinal cord itself. Rather, they deal with the results of the injuries. For example, a common reason for hospitalizations after a spinal cord injury is an infection of the urogenital system. There may also be problems with skin diseases and illnesses related to the circulatory system, respiration, or musculoskeletal systems.

Of course, the cost of care is something that varies, depending on the extent of your spinal cord injury.

The Cost of Spinal Cord Injuries

To help understand these costs, the NSCISC has broken down the different injury severities and provided an estimated average yearly expense in 2020 dollars.

High tetraplegia. This condition involves the C1 to C4 regions. Estimates include:

  • 1st year: $1,163425.
  • Subsequent annual average: $202,032.
  • If the victim is 25 years at the time of this severe injury, the estimated lifetime average is $5,162,152.
  • If the victim is 50 years at the time of the accident, the estimated lifetime cost is $2,837,031.

Low tetraplegia. Referring to the C5 to C8 spots, the costs are slightly lower.

  • 1st year: $840,676.
  • Subsequent annual average: $123,938.
  • Lifetime care can range run from $3,711,791 to $2,319,988.


  • 1st year: $567,011
  • Subsequent annual average: $75,112.
  • Lifetime medical expenses may range from $2,524,270 to $1,656,602.

Now, increase these figures by 7%, which is the simple markup of medical care in Orange County.

Remember that these are average figures, which means that your unique situation might carry a higher or lower price tag. Therefore, working with a team of specialists an Orange County spinal cord injury lawyer puts together is essential for securing your lifetime care. A proposed settlement from your insurance company may initially seem like a significant amount of money, but in reality, may barely last you through the first decade after your injury.

Common Causes of Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal cord injuries often result from damage to the ligaments, discs, or vertebrae of the spinal column or to the spinal cord itself. While every spinal injury claim is different due to the fact that everyone’s body reacts differently to external trauma, there are common causes of severe spinal injuries.

Common causes of spinal injuries include:

If you’ve suffered a spinal cord injury as a result of another party’s negligence, an experienced spinal cord injury attorney with proven experience can help you earn the maximum compensation. The attorneys at MKP Law Group, LLP have years of experience handling a variety of personal injury claims including spinal injury claims, and know how to get the absolute best spinal cord injury settlement possible.

It’s also important to note that often spinal cord injuries can be related to wrongful death, be sure to reach out to us as soon as you can so we can help you prove negligence by the party at fault and get you and your family the compensation you deserve. We know nothing can replace the loss of a loved one, but you may have the right to damages following this type of loss.

Can You Protect Yourself or Loved Ones from Spinal Cord Injuries in the OC?

UCI Health, which is affiliated with the CHOC Children’s Hospital of Orange County, has put together a list of possible steps to take to protect yourself or a loved one from sustaining a spinal cord injury in the first place.

Wear seat belts. Whether it is for a quick trip down to the end of the street or a cross-country trip, always wear a seat belt. Car accidents are one of the leading causes of spinal cord injuries. If you are the driver, it is up to you to make sure every passenger in the vehicle wears one as well. By the way, kids under the age of 12 should ride in the backseat.

Install handrails. Prevent falls by paying attention to the condition of your floors inside and outside. Installing handrails near stairs is always a good idea, even if there are only two or three steps. A fall injury may seem far from a catastrophic injury, but often they result in unforeseen damages to the spinal column and may even cause traumatic brain injury.

Discourage diving. If you have a pool or visit people who do, discourage diving. Do not let your children dive or dive yourself. Most importantly, do not dive into waters you do not know. Examples include cliff diving in recreational spots. While everyone else may be able to safely do it, you may be the one individual who sustains the injury.

Recognize recreational risks. Just because a store sells it does not mean it is safe. A great example is a trampoline. Kids love them. However, they are inherently dangerous. Netting around a trampoline greatly reduces the risk of falling and sustaining a spine injury, but there is no complete elimination of the risk.

Contact MKP Law Group, LLP Today for Your Own Experienced Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer

The spine and its various components are vital to our motor and sensory functions. Things that were simple prior to the spinal cord injury can become difficult or even impossible for the victim. Spinal cord injuries can complicate even the most basic of daily tasks. Families and loved ones often have to pick up the slack and bear a heavy burden caring for a spinal cord injury victim. For many victims, a spinal cord injury means that their life will never be the same. In addition to bills piling up and numerous doctors’ appointments, these victims have to face the prospect that their life will never be the same again.

While there are a lot of attorneys out there to choose from, MKP Law Group, LLP has helped many spinal cord injury victims and their families get their lives back on track. We have a proven track record of obtaining results for victims of traumatic spinal cord injuries. We know how to aggressively deal with insurance companies in order to obtain optimal settlements. When the at-fault party is not willing to accept responsibility for their negligence, we have a team of experienced trial attorneys who will hold the at-fault party responsible in a court of law. If you or someone you know is suffering from a spinal cord injury, call our law office today at 323-991-9022 to schedule your free consultation.

Our practice area includes all of Orange County plus Los Angeles, Long Beach, San Bernardino County, and Riverside.